Saturday, 29 November 2014

Detail Article About Tarot Cards.

In most people's minds, "Tarot card reading" means a woman in flowing robes, leaning over a small table in a candlelit room, foretelling impending doom.

But that's not really what Tarot cards are about. In fact, they're not even really meant to tell your fortune or future. According to TheHermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, "The most powerful sources of information come from within; the Tarot aids in coming in contact with one's Higher Self."

But what does that mean? In this article, we'll look at the various ideas about where Tarot cards come from, what they mean and how a deck of cards can possibly tell you anything about yourself. You'll learn why it matters where the cards fall and why you don't have to be a psychic to do a Tarot reading.

Types of Readings

There are actually two different types of Tarot readings: question readings and open readings.

Question Readings

In question readings, you are addressing a specific question. Tarot is not intended to answer specific yes or no questions. Most say it also shouldn't be used to make decisions, but instead should be used as a guide to help you make the decision yourself. For this reason, the way a question is stated is very important. According to Joan Bunning, a Tarot reader and teacher, questions should:

Keep your options open: If you have the answer before the reading, then you're not allowing the cards to guide your overall decision. Bunning gives this example: Asking how you could encourage your mother-in-law to move out, as opposed to asking how you can get along better with her, is narrowing the scope of the true question by answering it before you even get started.Find the best level of detail: Your question should be focused, but not overly detailed. Rather than looking at one particular aspect of a problem, find a way to look more broadly at it. For example, rather than asking how you can make your home life less chaotic, ask how you can better balance kid schedules and adult schedules. That is a focused question. But do not go so far as to ask how you can coordinate baseball, soccer and Cub Scout schedules and still have family time -- that's too detailed. Only include the minimum level of detail needed in order to express what you want to learn from the cards.: If the reading is for yourself, make sure your question focuses on you rather than on someone else who you think may be the root of your problem. For example, asking why your son is experimenting with drugs is focusing on him, not you. Asking what role you play in your son's decision to experiment with drugs brings the focus of the question back to you.: In order to stay open to other points of view, your question has to be neutral and not convey a preconceived notion that your view is necessarily the right one. The cards can give you guidance if you ask for it. For example, asking why you're doing more work around the house than your spouse isn't neutral; asking how you can get more cooperation from your spouse when it comes to housework is neutral.Be positive: Make sure your question is stated in a positive rather than negative way. Instead of asking why a specific event hasn't happened, ask what you can do to help make that event happen.Open Readings

Open readings address the larger aspects of your life rather than a specific problem area or question. They're usually done when you're entering a new phase of life, such as getting married, graduating from college or starting a family. You can somewhat direct the reading if you have a general area you want to cover, such as your career or health, but that's as specific as the direction gets.

Thursday, 24 July 2014

Article-Pyramids are magic of Divine-Uses Of Pyramid-By Occult Expert Dr.Vashisht-+917696746017.

Article-Pyramids are magic of Divine-Uses Of Pyramid-By Occult Expert Dr.Vashisht-+917696746017.

One of the most essential elements of Kerala Vaasthu Silpam is Bhooparigraham for deciding the eligibility of the plot for the construction of a building - the plot which is near a river or the junction of two rivers, or situated on a hillock or in the windward side of the valley of mountain or near the sea or near the forest or, near a garden or any other place which has Vishnu's Prabha (Aura) and presence. The land must be sloping towards east and north, must have level ground full of fruit and flower bearing and shade trees and pond which will not dry up even in summer and this land is called 'Supalma' and constructions here will have healing powers. The magnetic north and south points decided after Bhoomi Parigraham by the Sutra Yoga bindu and Sankumadhya bindu lines, and the East direction by 'Thathaschethare' line. The 'Astamugha' pyramidal parnasala is considered to be in consonance with the ancient Indian tradition and believed to have healing powers due to their capacity to concentrate its side electromagnetic and cosmic vibrational energy, and negative ions.

What is it used for:-
A person meditating in a pyramid shows EEG patterns akin to that seen in people doing transcendental meditation. The experiences of meditating inside a Pyramid are remarkable. People get a feeling of relaxation, clairvoyance, clairaudience and tranquility. If they sleep in a pyramid, their sleep will be deep and they wake up refreshed; only few hours of sleep will give total relaxation. If you read inside the pyramid, you can do it with greater concentration and understanding. Agricultural experts showed that plant growth is enhanced by the electromagnetic phenomenon within the Pyramid. Water placed in the pyramid has curative properties especially for chronic skin disorders. Pyramid can put a break to the ageing process, as demonstrated in lower forms of life. Women sleeping in pyramids get their periods regular and normal and stop any dysmenorhoea. Pyramids accumulate several different types of energies like negative ions, electromagnetic and cosmic vibrations. Even grains of sand from certain places have positive therapeutic effects due to their pyramidal shape.

USA has shown that growth rate of plants increase by 15% when grown under pyramids. The beneficial effects of pyramids have led to the construction of pyramidal schools, recreation halls and warehouses. The Soviets in their pyramid Research Department of Leningard University are well ahead and have even instruments to measure pyramid power and they are on the brink of some exciting discoveries like negative ion green therapy. The Pyramids help to increase crop yield by 3 times, correct faulty vision, deafness, increase longevity of life, increase the 1Q of children and increase your vitality and sex drive. It can cure mental ailments with minimal drugs, chronic skin diseases like Psoriasis. It can help to give painless labour to the pregnant women. It is proving to be the answer for cancer which is very favourably influenced even with minimum drugs. It is the lasting cure for Bronchial Asthma, Eczema, and other allergic conditions Rheumatoid arthritis and similar collagen and autoimmune diseases. It is probably most effective in Hypertension, Ischemic heart diseases, and Degenerative diseases like Diabetic Osteoarthritis. Certain environments are healthier than others and are famous for their relaxing air and curative properties because of the high concentration of negative ions there.Pyramids provide one such environment.

There are very many actions that negative ions have on our body:
(1) Reduce heart rate and B.P
(2) Increase vital capacity of lungs and the ciliary movement of the lining ciliary epithelium.
(3) Improve the functions of the hormones producing glands.
4) Improve mental functions, concentration, emotional equilibrium judgement, intelligence
5) Reverse the effects of the positive ions.

Great Pyramid was a gift by thousands of workers, engineers, astronomers and architects. How had they lifted the huge square blocks to a height of 480 feet above the sea level without using cranes or ramps is a wonder. So perfectly they fixed one stone upon another that hardly could a paper be inserted in between them.

Scientist discovered that there is a close relationship between the external forces and the physical, chemical and biological changes, found inside a pyramid. When kept in a room, a small pyramid, through the energy accured at the one third of it height, can purify the polluted air, kill germs and keep the dwellers sound and healthy.

Similarly, a pyramid placed on the office desk begets energy, dynamism and peace. In fact, the room is changed into a source of energy.

The NASA scientists in USA pointed out that the energy released from a pyramid is more powerful than the solar energy.

( The 'Astamugha' pyramidal parnasala complex has been constructed at Sanjivani Holistic Health Farm with these healing powers of pyranids in mind.)

The word "Pyramid' takes its origin from the Greek word 'Pyro' which means 'fire' or 'Agni' and 'amid' means the base.

These two words jointly beget the word pyramid which means the fire (Agni), the mainstay of all powers, i.e. out of the five principle elements which are considered to be the basis for evolution of this universe, fire occupies the foremost place.

In Vedicphilosophy, God is manifested through a triangular form, the Pyramid. Pure gold is obtaind when inferior gold is flamed. i.e. Agni purifies and removes stains and impurities.Whether it is because of this valid reason, that our ancestors worshipped Agni is a matter for enquiry. All Vedic scriptures highlight Agni with glowing tributes.

The Germans hail this as 'Homatherapy'. Max Muller, the reputed apostle of the Vedas, when asked to deliver inaugural address for recording in the newly discovered 'phonograph' his words were.
"OM Agni meela Purohitham
Yajnasya Deva Mrithuinjayam
Hodaram Rathna Dhathamam"

Agnihotra is gaining momentum in all the European countries including socialist countries. The countries of south America also evince great interest in this yagna. This yagna is not associated with any particular sect or religion. It is universally applicable.

It is a yagna performed for the welfare of the mankind in general. Therefore the Western Countries show more interest in this therapy.

Baltimore, just one hour drive from Washington, is said to be the sanctum sanctorum of this therapy. The highly advanced Germans use agnihotra ash as a tonic.

We perform agnihotra for look and good health and imbibed with culture, compassion and happiness.

Never did we in India build any pyramid nor were the Egyptians accustomed to Agnihotra. Still, one could not wink at the basic truth, that these two great forces emerged in two different countries during a long-drawn out period which is beyond our comprehension.

The years to come will definitely bring us closer to a discovery of the extensive and intensive wisdom of the pyramids. To all of us who dwell in this wisdom, the future holds out to us one of the most mysterious forces and greatest mysteries that the ancient have left as their legacy.

The Pyramids being full of great health benefits can be built and used by anyone. But before building a pyramid ensure all conditions of measurtement, placement and algnment are met. The material for construction of Pyramid should not be iron. Compressed cardboard,plywood,styrene plastic,fibre glass,PVC or any other material exceptmagnetic material can be used.

The pyramid must be aligned on the four cardinal points-north, east, south and west. This means that each of the four sides faces one of the cardinal points. A straight line is drawn through the centre of the pyramid. A compass can be used to align the pyramid to magnetic north.

True north would be more accurate, but according to all reports magnetic north appears to work as well. True north varies from magnetic north by a few degress of declination, depending on the latitude where you live. The declination for the area can be learnt by consulting a local Airport engineer.

A pyramid, if constructed with proper measurements and placed at the proper place satisfying the conditions of alignment emits a mysterious power at 1/3 of the height from the base of the pyramid. It is very difficult to list the various uses of the pyramid

For relaxation and sleep :
induces soothing sleep and relaxation; energizes and rejuvenates for longevity. Helps to concentrate and meditate under better conditions. Clears a foggy mind. An instrument to psychic progress; improves imagination in writing and doing things. Aids children to study and memorise better.

If you have facilities to lie inside a pyramid, place your head pointing to the north direction. It has been proved that the brain wave activity of humans meditating inside a pyramid showed marked increase in amplitude, regularity and alpha theta brain wave production.

As health aid:
Gives relief of common cold or coryza, head ache, weariness and pain in all human body. Heals quickly cuts and bruises. Water treated in the Pyramid, could be used for vitality, vigour and digestion, if drunk. The water can be used on the face as a lotion and on the hair for clearing dandruff.

For preservation of food:
Place beverages, eatables and old pickles inside the Pyramid for improvement in taste. To reduce disagreeable odour and bitterness in coffee and tea, it may be placed inside even in powder form. Juices taste better. Improves palatability of water and purifies it by ionation. Dehydrates and preserves any kind of food. Retains flowers fresh.

For mechanical advantage:
Reduces wear and tear of moving parts of any machine or vehicle when kept in the Pyramid. Sharpens blades, knives, scissors and the like. Magnetic tapes placed inside the Pyramid gives original quality. Brings shine and brightens tarnished coins, utensils and jewellery. Dry cells placed inside get charged.

For better growth of plants:

Induces better and healthy growth in plants. The period of germination of seeds is shortened. Prevents decomposition of organic matter and deodorises garbage etc.

For General well-being:
Wards off harmful occurrence and shields against evil influences. Provides Psychic aid for solving problems and worries. Used for fulfillment of some wishes. Emits beneficial effects on those around the Pyramid. A Californian business man claims that he has made a tent Pyramid which gives him a spiritual uplift and improves his sexual desires.

The primary factors required for successful pyramid experimentation are patience, precision and scientific detachment. If you are un-successful for the first time, carefully analyse what you have done. Check to make sure that your measurements are correct, that you have properly aligned both the pyramid and the object inside it. Do not give up but repeat the experiment.

At this juncture it has to be mentioned that at the Great Pyramid there are upward flowing rays emitted from the apex. Planes have been warned not to fly over the Great Pyramid, instruments in the planes go away.

Our body is a miraculous machine created by God. Our body possesses immunity power to check diseases. Nature helps us to check and cure diseases.

Prevention is better than cure. So, we can prevent diseases. Diseases can be cured by diet control. We can check diseases by undertaking fast also. A moderate eater is not prone to diseases. But one who eats more is often afflicted with diseases. The sage Thiruvalluvar says-"on modest temperance as pleasures pure, so pain attends the greedy epicure".

What after all, a human being desires is a life free of sickness. The significance of this point is further stressed by the sage Thiruvalluvar in his couplet under the chapter 'Medicine'. "No need of, medicine to heal your body's pain, if, what you ate before, digested well, you eat again" (No medicine is necessary for him who eats after assuring (himself) that what he has (already) eaten has been already digested). One should consume food after a good appetite. Presently, there is an inclination towards nature diet. This nature diet is being followed all over the world.

Among all living organisms, human beings alone consume cooked food. Animals consume uncooked food, so their life expectancy is high. Sleeplessness, restlessness, weakness, anger, and wearings affect the persons who consume cooked food.

Pyramid is a great healer. Researches are beings conducted unceasingly by the scientists of U.S.A. and Germany. In short, Pyramid is a polyclinic. Here is an example. It was a Sunday. Doctors would not work on Sundays. A middle aged lady, was suffering due to unbearable tooth-ache. One of her friends suggested her to sit inside a wooden pyramid. She did reluctantly not having belief in pyramid power. She was relieved of her pain instantly and completely to her surprise.


Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Article-How Could a Tarot Card Reading Actually Help Me? By Occult Expert Dr.Vashisht-+917696746017.

How Could a Tarot Card Reading Actually Help Me?

When done traditionally, a Tarot card reading can put everything into perspective in a clear and understandable way. Every Tarot card reading is prefaced by a question, one that you do not have to reveal to your Tarot card reader but that you keep to yourself. Each card will come up in the past, present, or future position and will shed some light on the topic of your question.

Whether or not you believe in spiritual or esoteric things, or even in the art of telling the future, a Tarot card reading can help you better understand your own thoughts. You'll realize potentially dangerous patterns in your life, and get a better understanding of self. Even the question that you ask in your mind can help you understand something about yourself, and in this way a Tarot card reading can truly help you.

Tuesday, 22 July 2014

ARTICLE ABOUT FENGSHUI-Occult Specialist Dr.Vashisht,

All of us our unwilling participants in the rat race and once you are in the race, who does not want to win? We try out every way and means through which we might bring in some improvement in some aspects of our life. One such easy method to bring about positive changes is through the careful use of Feng Shui tips. This ancient Chinese practice balances the Yin (female) and the Yang (male) energies as well as the various elements and their influence in our lives. Earth, air, fire and water all have a strong impact on the major areas of our life like relationships, career, health and wealth. The manner in which they have been balanced will pave the way for our future advancement in that specific aspect of our life.

Feng Shui tips are easy to implement but are potent tools to influence certain areas of an individual's life. For instance, if you are looking at enhancing your chances of attracting love into your life, the Feng Shui tip of decorating your home with peonies could work wonders. However, caution needs to be maintained when you implement these tips. As wrongly implemented or incorrectly placed objects could misbalance the harmony, attracting a lot of misery in your life. The peonies, which are very good for enhancing relationship luck for singles could create infidelity problems for committed or married couples. So it is always advisable to consult a professional before applying any tips to your home or work place.

Feng Shui tips should be used, keeping the requirement in mind. In case you are looking at the advantage of networking with powerful people for your business, enhancing the career luck will not solve the purpose. Neither will a tip for wealth enhancement serve your need. A specific Feng Shui tip for activating the networking luck will be the most effective advice in that situation. Hence, be careful about your purpose for using Feng Shui in the first place. However, there are certain general tips, which can be used to the full advantage of every individual, without any cause for worry. Keeping the windows and doors of each room open for atleast 15 minutes per day helps in better flow of positive energy and is beneficial for every individual using that living space.

Feng Shui tips help to balance out the various elements that play an important role in positively or negatively affecting various areas of our life. It can improve your health, increase your wealth, enhance your career and forge closer ties in relationships, but the key is to implement the right tip at the right time. The various directions like south, east, west and north also play an important role while implementing Feng Shui. The directions, in turn have been assigned different colors and objects, each having the power to influence certain aspects. Hence, implement the tips under the guidance of a Feng Shui expert and see your life turning around for the better with each passing d

Sunday, 20 July 2014

Article By Occult Specialist Dr.Vashisht-Wisdom of the Tarot card: the Wheel of Life

Article By Occult Specialist Dr.Vashisht-Wisdom of the Tarot card: the Wheel of Life
GET ONE DAY COURSE OF TAROT CARDS from Dr.Vashisht +917696746017.

Wisdom of the Tarot: the Wheel of Life
We all tend to view life as something that should be easy. Good things should just happen and bad things shouldn’t. Life should be simple. Life should be just full of good times. The sky should never rain on our lives. But rain waters the plants and makes them grow. It gives us water to drink. Without it we’d die. Maybe things we see as bad are equally valuable.

The Hermit is an example of something we don’t want – being alone. Loneliness is indeed a terrible thing and can blight your life. There is, however, another side to this solitude. The traditional hermit would by choice travel to some out of the way place and live alone for years. Why would they do this? To learn. Perhaps you live a very busy life constantly on the go, constantly striving and trying to juggle your responsibilities. Imagine then no noise, no hustle and bustle, just peace, quiet and time for yourself. Imagine what you could learn having taken the time to listen. Being alone isn’t so bad: it depends on your attitude to it.

The Tower indicates another example of something we don’t want - a crisis. Sometimes things happen and we know that we will never be the same again. The Tower shows people falling from a tower. They think that they can fly but they are going to discover that they can’t. It’s about seeing the truth. Sometimes this is painful. It always means that something significant has changed. We go on in life altered by this event. In the future, though, we are stronger because we had this moment of clarity: it focuses your mind, it shows you what can and can’t be achieved. The challenge of the Tower is to pick yourself up and rebuild. Without the lightning strike of the Tower we’d never get a chance to rebuild, bigger and better. Sometimes you have to tear it down in order to start again.

The Wheel of Fortune completes our triptych of cards. Sometimes really bad people have very good luck. Really good people sometimes have very bad luck. They’re on the Wheel, as we all are. The Wheel turns and life gets wonderful, we are incredibly lucky and we get everything we want. It turns again and everything goes wrong, nothing seems to work out the way we want it to. It turns once more and luck and joy flows into our lives again. This is the truth of life. This is one of the most important lessons in life: everything changes, nothing stays the same.

If you are lonely, you won’t be forever. Try to use this time to grow and learn. If you are going through a crisis, it won’t last. Try to learn what you can and get through it. If you are happy with everything going your way, don’t become complacent. Try to cherish this upward turn of the wheel.

The Wheel of Fortune will continue to turn and we can fight it or we can work with it. Try to learn from everything that happens to you because then you are growing in wisdom no matter what life throws at you. Wisdom is the insulation from the harsher turns of the Wheel. Wisdom gives us the ability to appreciate love. Wisdom enables us the help others when the Wheel turns downwards for them.

'To everything – (turn, turn, turn)

There is a season –( turn, turn, turn)

And a time for every purpose under heaven' (The Byrds)

The alternative is to not be on the Wheel at all.

'Life is full of misery, loneliness, and suffering - and it's all over much too soon.' (Woody Allen)

I wish you the wisdom to see that every turn of the Wheel is in your favour.

Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Crystal Balls Tells All True...!!!!!!!! Occult Specialist Dr.Vashisht, +917696746017.,

The Art of Crystal Ball Gazing

Crystal balls have been used for scrying for thousands of years. Scrying is the art of looking into a reflective surface, such as glass, water, a mirror, or a crystal, to gain mystical insight.
Most everyone is familiar with the image of a gypsy fortune-teller gazing into her crystal ball and divining someone’s future. Along with this image comes the common misconception that crystal balls have magical powers that enable them to foretell the future.

However, the images seen with a crystal ball aren’t the foretelling of future events, but rather images from deep within one’s subconscious mind, and the crystal ball is the door through which these subconscious thoughts can be accessed. When using a crystal ball, a trance-like state is induced that dissociates one’s consciousness, enabling information from the subconscious to pass through the mind’s eye. It is here the images are seen, not in the crystal itself.

Selecting a Ball:

Most crystal balls are clear and made of glass, lead crystal, reconstituted quartz, or natural quartz. Although clear quartz is the most common crystal used for scrying, smoky quartz, amethyst, beryl, selenite, and obsidian have also been used.
Most crystal gazers prefer a ball that is at least 4”-5” in diameter so reading is easier and less straining, but a 3” ball works just as well. I wouldn’t recommend using one much smaller than that.


When you get your ball, wash it using a soft cloth, water, and mild soap. This will not only make your ball clean physically, but also help cleanse the ball’s energies as well.
To completely cleanse your ball of any previous and/or negative energy, it is best to smudge it as well. To smudge, simply light a sage smudge stick and pass the ball through the smoke several times. Read more about smudging...
Your crystal ball should be cleansed (smudged) before each use.

Handling and Storage:

A crystal ball is very personal. You shouldn’t let anyone else touch it as their energies and subconscious thoughts will pass onto it and “contaminate” your ball, causing inaccurate readings. The ball may also lose its charge, or your personal influences with it may become weakened and/or corrupted.
When not in use, you should wrap your ball in dark cloth and keep it in a light-proof box in a place where it will not be touched by others.


To charge your ball, place it in the light of a full moon (when the light is strongest) for several nights. This will also make it easy to remember when to recharge it.
Do NOT place your ball in direct sunlight. This will weaken the ball’s magnetism and may render it unable to draw images. This is why it should be stored in a box, away from light.

Using Your Crystal Ball:

The following is only a suggestion or starting point from which you can find a way that works best for you.
Use a quiet room where you will not be disturbed. Create a relaxed atmosphere by burning candles or incense or by playing soft music. I suggest working by candlelight as too much light on the ball can make the images distorted or difficult to see. Dim lighting also relaxes the eyes, making it easier to focus on the ball.
To reduce reflections, place the ball on a dark surface such as a small black pillow or cushion, piece of velvet, or silk handkerchief reserved especially for this purpose.
You may wish to perform a cleansing ritual on the room and yourself, followed by a protection ritual before beginning your work with the ball.
Attain a meditative state using whichever method works for you. It is very important to relax your mind and body as this is key to using many psychic abilities including crystal gazing.
Hold the ball in your hands for awhile to energize it and strengthen your psychic bond with it. Think about the purpose for this session. You may wish to visualize the topic, or ask a question about it either in your mind or out loud.
Put the crystal down and begin to stare into it. Let your eyes relax and go out of focus. Try to clear your mind and concentrate on feeling open and receptive.
In awhile you should see a mist filling the crystal and then gradually clearing. Keep your eyes relaxed and unfocused. Watch for symbols or images appearing in your mind’s eye. Do not try to force the images to come. Let them come naturally. It is okay if you do not see any images the first several times you use the ball. Most people need practice at achieving the necessary receptive and relaxed state of mind before images will appear.
When you do see images, don’t try to make sense of them right away. Just take a mental note of what you see.
Once you have seen the images that you need, they will fade away and the ball will again fill with mist. Blink your eyes, breathe deeply, and allow your mind to return to the physical plane. A drink of water and a snack will help ground you as you reconnect with the Earth’s energies.
Thank the ball for its message and put it away.
Take notes of the images you have seen as well as any thoughts or impressions that come to mind. The images may not be what you expected. Sometimes it may seem that the images have nothing to do with your topic or are just plain nonsense. Your subconscious mind gives you the information you need. The images are often symbolic, and so it may take you some time to decipher their meaning. Go with your instinct and intuition. Most often your first impression is the correct one.
Crystal ball gazing takes a lot of practice and patience, but in time you will become more receptive and more adept at reading the crystal.

Friday, 4 July 2014

Candle Magic Is Very Higher Magic-Article And Information By Occult Expert Dr.Vashisht-+917696746017.

Candle Magic Is Very Higher Magic-Article And Information By Occult Expert Dr.Vashisht-+917696746017.

Candle magic is one of the simplest forms of spell casting. Considered sympathetic magic, it's a method which doesn’t require a lot of fancy ritual or expensive ceremonial artifacts. In other words, anyone with a candle can cast a spell. After all, remember when you were a child and you made a wish before you blew out the candles on your birthday cake? Same theory, only now instead of just hoping, you're declaring your intent (and by now you've probably stopped hoping for a pony). If you think about it, the birthday-candle ritual is based on three key magical principles:

  • Decide on a goal
  • Visualize the end result
  • Focus your intent, or will, to manifest that result


What Sort of Candle Should I Use?

Most practitioners of magical systems will tell you that, much like a few other aspects of life, size really isn't important. In fact, really big candles may be counterproductive -- a candle that takes too long to burn down can be highly distracting to someone working a spell that instructs you to wait until the candle burns out on its own. Typically, a short taper candle or a votive candle work the best. In some cases, a spell might call for a specific type of candle, such as a seven-day candle or a figure candle, which may represent a particular person. One of the most popular candles, believe it or not, is in fact the little menorah candles which are sold by the box in the kosher section of the grocery store. They're about 4" long, white, unscented, and thin -- perfect for spell work.
 You should always use a brand new candle for spell work -- in other words, virgin materials. Don't use the candles that you burned at the dinner table or in the bathroom yesterday for spell work. In some magical traditions, once a candle is burned it picks up vibrations from things around it -- in other words, a used candle is already tainted by vibrations, and so will lead to a negative or ineffective magical outcome.



After you've selected a candle, you'll want to oil it or dress it before burning. This is a method by which you'll establish a psychic link between you and the candle itself. In other words, you're charging the candle with your own energy and personal vibrations, and projecting your intent into the wax before you burn it. To dress a candle, you'll need a natural oil -- many practitioners like grapeseed because it has no smell. Another option is to use special candle magic oils from one of the metaphysical supply stores. Begin at the top of the candle, and rub the oil downward to the middle. Then, begin at the base of the candle and rub the oil up towards the middle, ending where the first coating of oil left off. In some traditions, the anointing is done just the opposite way -- start in the middle and work your way towards the two ends.
If your working calls for herbs to be used as well, roll the oiled candle in the powdered herbs until it is coated all the way around.
The most basic form of candle magic uses a piece of colored paper that matches the intent of your candle. Decide what your goal is, and write it on the piece of paper -- just for an example, let's say we're going to do a money working. Write down your intent -- something like I will become financially prosperous. In some traditions, you would write your intent in a magical alphabet, such as Theban or Enochian. Because this is a money-oriented working, we would select either a gold or green piece of paper, and a candle of the same color. As you write down your goal, visualize yourself achieving that goal. Think about the different ways in which your goal might manifest -- could you be getting a raise at work? Perhaps someone who owed you money will arrive out of the blue to repay their debt.
Once you've written down your goal, fold the paper, concentrating on your intent the whole time. Some people like to say a small incantation as they do this -- if you're one of those people, this is a good place to do it. It doesn't have to be anything fancy. You can use something as simple as:
Extra money come my way,
I could use a little cash today.
Extra money come to me,
As I will, so it shall be.

Place one corned of the folded paper into the candle's flame and allow it to catch fire. Hold the paper as long as possible (without burning your fingers) and then place it in a fire-safe bowl or cauldron to burn the rest of the way on its own. Allow the candle to burn out completely. When the candle has burned out completely, dispose of it, rather than saving it to use again for another working. Usually there's not much left of a candle except a stub of wax, and you can either bury it outdoors or dispose of it in whatever manner you choose.


Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Tarot Cards-Tool Of Know About Yourself-Article By Dr.Vashisht

Tarot Article By Dr.Vashisht (Occult Specialist)
Tarot cards, both old and new, are full of communal wisdom. They are rich in symbols for study and learning. Some of the symbols are universal. Others are individual expressions of particular artists or cultures.Symbols are interesting and powerful. But Tarot's strength is not limited to traditional meanings or personal artistic intentions. The cards have the ability to evoke powerful responses from people who know nothing about Tarot history or interpretation.The cards can be used as mirrors. They allow us to peek into the hidden depths of our own unconscious minds. They have the power to speak to us directly without the need for outside interpretation. Because they help us bring repressed thoughts and desires into conscious awareness, the messages they carry will vary from person to person and day to day.
How to Use Tarot as a Mirror

    Sit quietly. Shuffle the cards and fan them out face down in an arch like a rainbow. Imagine yourself spread across the arch as if you were on a diving board. See you feet at one end and your hands above your head at the other.

    Close your eyes and think about where in your body you feel the greatest sense of self. When you have found it, draw a card from that position.

    Alternatively, you may fan the cards out face-up and draw one that seems to call you.

    Once you have chosen your card, look at it quietly. Let your mind wander where it will. What do you notice about the card? Which symbols attract you most strongly? If there are people in the card, what do you think they are doing? Feeling? Thinking?

    Write a few sentences about the card. For example: "I see a lonely old man. He's standing alone in the cold snow. He has a lantern and a staff. He needs a warm place to rest.

    Now rewrite the sentences in the first person. For example: "I feel old and lonely. I'm out alone in the cold. I have a lantern and a staff, but I need a warm place to rest."

    Allow yourself to experience these sentences. Do any of them ring true?

    If the sentences are true and positive, rejoice in your success. Be grateful for what you have or what you have achieved. Gratitude and celebration speed successful transformation.

    If the sentences are true but problematic, look at the card again to see what solutions it suggests. Think about the symbols. What do you already have that can fill the function of the lantern and the staff? What do you still need? How can you get it, and how will it help you?

Occult Specialist Dr.Vashisht, +917696746017. (Contact Us For Tarot Cards/Crystal Ball/Runes/Candle Spell Course Of All Things.)